Getting Rid of Port Wine Stains

Everyone has imperfections they were born with or have developed throughout their lifetime. If you or your child are affected by port wine stains, you’re well aware that they do not disappear on their own. Thankfully, you no longer have to let a birthmark weigh down your confidence!


Port wine stains are birthmarks made up of swollen blood vessels, or capillaries. When there are not enough supply nerve fibers to keep these capillaries narrow, more blood flows through them, causing them to expand and stain the skin.

Port wine stains appear at birth and can worsen as children age—expanding and changing from flat pink to a textured dark red or purple. While most commonly found on the face, they can be present on any part of the body.

These skin imperfections are harmless and usually don’t cause any problems, but a port wine stain can have a negative effect on an individual’s confidence. Thankfully, there’s a solution.


While there are actually several methods used to treat port wine stains such as freezing, tattooing and radiation treatments, laser treatments have proven to be the most effective and safe option. With laser treatments, there is less risk of damaging and scarring treated skin. This is extremely important since it is most common to undergo port wine stain treatment as an infant.

At Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics, we offer Vbeam Perfecta®, a pulsed dye laser treatment that was created to treat port wine stains. During treatment, an intense but gentle burst of light energy targets the affected area of the skin. The swollen capillaries in this area then absorb the laser energy, reducing their appearance quickly and effectively.


You can expect to see a clear complexion after Vbeam Perfecta! In addition to port wine stains, this treatment can also reduce the appearance of brown spots, veins, rosacea and overall redness. Plus, Vbeam Perfecta stimulates the production of collagen while correcting your imperfections!

Before a Vbeam Perfecta treatment, be sure to avoid sun exposure for at least three weeks prior to your treatment. You should also avoid taking blood thinners such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can cause more bruising during your procedure and prolong bleeding time. Depending on the severity of your skin condition, multiple treatments may be needed.

If you’re interested in treating your port wine stains with Vbeam Perfecta, contact us by calling 925.484.5483. We offer several other treatment options as well, addressing your medical and aesthetic concerns. Be sure to ‘Like’ us on Facebook for special offers and updates!

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