Vbeam Perfecta Treatments


Some patients actually seek out just that VBeam Perfecta because it is a wonderful wavelength.

VBeam Perfecta Vascular Treatments from Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics

The VBeam actually is a laser that was created for port wine stains many, many years ago. We have come to find out that the VBeam treats a host of different conditions that are vascular. So, namely, port wine stains, any kind of broken capillaries on the face, generalized redness, rosacea — we’d go to the VBeam laser.

VBeam: Results You Can Trust

My patients are generally seeing a reduction in the reds in their skin over time. Sometimes it requires more than one treatment, sometimes one to three depending on how severe their conditions are.

What To Expect During Your VBeam Treatment

If a patient is considering the VBeam for treatment, I would say make sure to avoid sun for at least 3 weeks prior to treatment. Avoid taking any blood thinners if possible – Aspirin, Ibuprofen – all those things can prolong bleeding time and actually cause more bruising during the procedure.

One of the little unknown beauties of the VBeam, or that every time we use it to take care of broken capillaries or just generalized redness, we’re also stimulating collagen, so many of my patients love the VBeam just for that purpose.

The Clear Choice for a Clearer Complexion

I love the VBeam, and I love it because there’s so many vessels that form around the nose and on other areas of your face that other modalities just can’t treat that the VBeam can.

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