Laser Hair Reduction Treatments


Laser Hair Reduction is a more permanent way to get a reduction in hair than waxing, threading or plucking.

Laser Hair Reduction From Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics

If you’re considering laser hair reduction, make sure your practitioner has the right wavelength to treat your skin type. We at Tri Valley have two wavelengths: one for very fair skin, and then one for olive skin.

Your Laser Hair Reduction Treatments

Most patients are going to require about 5-7 treatments to get a 90% reduction of the hair they have. We get probably about 20-30% of the hair with each treatment. I have my patients come in about every six weeks to treat that area again. Every responds a little bit differently based on your pattern of growth and your hormone level, which, really, is what drives all hair growth.

Preparing For Your Treatment

The patient would generally come in for consultation and if there are no contraindications to treatment, we can generally treat that day. However, I don’t want you to have any sun exposure for at least 3 weeks prior to treatment, and do not wax, pluck or thread prior to treatment.

Face the World with Confidence

I see hair reduction actually being pretty life changing for a lot of people. Some people are actually obsessed with their hair growth and over the last 15 years, there’s not a lot of clinical research looking at how hair growth affects people, and seeing my patients come back after two or three treatments so happy from not having to worry about it before they leave the house – it can be really life changing. So it’s really, really gratifying.

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