CO₂RE Treatments


The CO₂RE Resurfacing Procedure is one of the best options we have here.

Skin Resurfacing from Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics

Patients are seeing minimized pore size, minimized in the lines around the mouth and the eyes, and an overall tightening of the skin, and when we do a full ablative procedure – the strongest modality called the Fusion – patients are actually seeing a lift to their brow, and I love it because it really looks like they’ve had their eyes done surgically and it was just the resurfacing laser.

Your Skin Resurfacing Procedure

If they are deemed to be good candidates for the resurfacing procedure, then we’ll spend time teaching what to expect during and then after. We do frequently show photos of what their skin is going to look like during the 5 day recovery process. The aftercare we do here. I require the patient to come in on days one, three and five because I just like to check on people. At that point, we do a little bit of skin care. We do a topical mask to make sure everything is healing well and they’re on their way to recovery.

Our CO₂RE System: The Right Treatment For Your Needs

I can dial down your energy to do a very light micropeel – to resurface the skin, minimize pores, and work on tone and texture, and stimulate college – all the way to a complete ablative procedure which actually does a beautiful job for deeper lines, deeper pores, acne scars, and actually lifting of the skin.

If patients are considering having a surgical procedure, I think that the Fusion will make them very happy with their skin for a little bit longer. The CO₂RE is really a wonderful modality to treat almost all skin imperfections.

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