Causes and Treatments for Brown Spots on Legs

It is fair to say that the face is the most commonly addressed area when it comes to aging. However, signs of aging can appear all over your body—even on your legs! Although the legs might not be first thing someone notices when they look at you, they can give away your age at a glance. Brown spots on legs are an area of concern for many aging adults, and recognizing their cause is vital in identifying the correct treatment method.

Brown spots can be treated in various ways, but at Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics, CO2RE is the preferred and most effective method.


Sun Exposure

This is the most common reason why brown spots appear on the legs. Just like the face and the rest of the body, when skin is exposed to ultraviolet light, it will produce more melanin in order to protect itself. As more melanin is produced, it forms into clusters and appears as brown spots on the skin.


While freckles are harmless, some people aren’t a fan of them covering their legs. These small brown spots appear more commonly in lighter-skinned people and increase when exposed to the sun.


Diabetes can cause skin problems, otherwise called diabetic dermopathy. The skin can show the first sign of diabetes, and if caught early enough, it is easily treated. Dermopathy appears as light brown scaly patches that do not hurt or cause discomfort.


Melanoma is a skin cancer characterized by brown spots on the legs, which is why is it is important to have routine skin exams. While spots on the skin may be harmless, there is always a chance of them being cancerous.


Avoid Sun Exposure & Use Sunscreen

Since the most common cause of brown spots on the legs is sun exposure, be sure to apply sunscreen when you will be exposed to sunlight.


Peels use the same principle as exfoliating; remove dead skin to create new, clear skin. The peel removes old skin, and new cells form without any brown spots.

CO2 Laser Resurfacing

We believe the most effective treatment is CO2 laser resurfacing, or CO2RE, offered at Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics. A laser is used to remove layers of skin through vaporization. Sunspots lighten over a series of treatments, but results are noticeable after the first treatment. The results are not only quick, but they are long-lasting, making this the preferred method to remove brown spots from the legs.


Are you ready to walk right out of those brown spots on your legs? You can do just that by scheduling a consultation with Donna Beirut at Tri Valley Health & Aesthetics today! Contact us online or call 925.484.5483 today! Also be sure to ‘Like’ us on Facebook to stay up to date on all of our services.

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